Just last weekend, my mom kidnapped me and took me on a mother and daughter getaway to an island off the west coast! (No, actually, I was looking forward to it for weeks!!) We went through the 'Passport2Purity' material that some really good friends gave to us. (Thank you Gledhills!) You basically listen to CDs and do work in the workbook. It walked me through what I'll probably face in my teenage years, what to expect, and how to get through it. I'm so glad we did that material! I'm also very excited to choose, with God's help, to live a life of purity, and to honor Him.
It was sooooo much fun! Like I said, we went to to a retreat centre on an island (which was very nicely organized by some other very close friends who volunteer there).......It worked out perfectly!!!! Aside from the material, we went out for lunch, built two Thomas Kinkade puzzles, and walked in and around the town. We loved looking in the shops, and even went to a Chocolatier (a chocolate cafe that makes their own unique and organic chocolate, yummmmmm)! Again, It was so much fun!!!!!