Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another lesson to learn...

For the past three years, my family and I have gone to a family camp called “Barnabas”. In my opinion, it's the BEST family camp in the world!!!!!!!! (Even though I have never been to another camp in my life:) We might go again this year! I was very excited about us possibly going, until I remembered I was going to be turning 13....... Turning 13 means I'm going to be in the teen's group, which means I'll probably be the youngest/shortest in the group. I'm also really quite concerned about this again, since the teens are probably going to be pretty tall, because the teen group is for all 13 to 16 year olds.

When I was talking to my mom, a few weeks ago, about what was on my mind, we started discussing what it must be like for children from orphanages overseas, who are adopted into families in North America. If his or her family, doesn't come from the same race, they might not have the luxury of blending in. When they are out and about, going to the store or the park, people will likely notice, since they don't look the same as the rest of the family. Standing out might just be a new way of life for lots of adoptive kids. Some might not mind at all, but for others, I wonder if it is a hard adjustment.

I don't know about you, but I don't like standing out. I spend too much time wishing I was the same as everyone else. Especially when it comes to being the shortest or youngest in the group. I would much rather “blend in” with everyone else than have to be the shortest from everyone's perspective. I'm guessing that's how kids sometimes feel, when they are adopted. They might feel like they don't blend in, or maybe that other people think that they don't belong because they don't look the same as the rest of the family.

I desperately wish all orphans and adopted children would feel like they fit in, and that they are loved. It's very sad to think that some might feel like they don't belong, when they DO! Especially in God's eyes. Personally, I would love to have a family with brothers and sisters of all different races! I absolutely love the idea of adoption! I love the fact that someday in heaven, we will all be one family of different races, and not one of us will stand out, or feel out of place!........(or even feel a little on the shorter side:)

It's the inside that counts, not the outside, that's the lesson I'm still learning! It's one thing to know it in my head, and another thing completely, to believe it in my heart.

After my mom pointed out all those things, I started understanding what she was getting at. She was trying to explain to me that many children feel like they stand out, because of many different reasons. I was worried because I thought I might stand out because of my height, but that doesn't matter as much to me today because I'm realizing that God made me this way, and he is pleased with the way he made me! (Maybe I'm not too short after all. :) He cares more about my heart than my appearance anyway. Also, when I'm too busy worrying about how I look, or what people think about me, I miss out on “seeing” other people's hearts.

If we do end up going to Barnabas, I know it will probably be hard, but since it's the inside that counts, I'm going to practice forgetting about my insecurities, focusing on the other teens in my group, and trying to make friends. (Even if they are taller than me:)


  1. You are a wise girl! If you can figure this out at 12, you are way ahead! Katie

  2. As Katie said, very wise! You are ahead of the game and I wish that all young pre-teens and teens could see themselves through God's eyes!
